Sunday 20 March 2011

Media Convergence

Media convergence is the coming together of different types of media/technology, changing the way people consume content, allowing flexibility, interactivity and almost unlimited access to media./information Nowadays, there is an ever increasing variety of products and services that enable people to communicate or consume information in many different ways. For example, information that appears on a TV or in a newspaper is now available on PC's or mobile phones too. Movies and TV shows are also available on the internet which can be accessible through PC's, games consoles and wireless devices. An example of technology convergence is mobile phones; they are able to do so much more than just call/text people. You are able to listen to music on them, take photos/videos, use them as alarm clocks, use the internet, watch films/programmes etc.

This is having a massive impact on the film industry, as there are many ways in which they can produce or market for their audiences. For example distributors use the latest software and programmes to design film posters and trailers. They are able to promote their film using websites such as Facebook or Myspace, phone apps, online marketing etc. This allows them to target a wider audience, and access more information about the film in more areas, and access more information about the film in more areas.  

An example of a film that uses media convergence is 'Star Wars'. Along with the film, it has books, video games, cartoons, action figures, websites, uploads on Youtube and magazines.  This has generated profits for the movie. An example of an intermedial text that used media convergence is 'Doctor Who'. It has a variety of merchandise, it was aired on a radio drama, DVD's were created on it, it has websites, games and is shown on terrestrial and digital channels. 

This also impacts the society as to the way they adapt and change according to technology and media convergence.They will ultimately decide the success and failure of the competing platforms and the level of convergence. They are likely to be influenced by content choice, price, and sign-posting from peer groups.

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